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Coral Center Zlarin Part of the Sustainable Islands Project

  25. January 2024.

The Coral Center Zlarin is part of the project “Sustainable Islands – Small European islands mobilized for sustainability development of their territory,” worth 60 thousand euros, which has been implemented this year in partnership with the organization SMILO.

As part of the project, the Coral Center will actively participate in the exchange of good practices related to sustainable development and the fight against climate change, as well as in the process of certifying a Sustainable Island, developed by SMILO. The inhabitants of Zlarin have been involved in this process since 2017, and in 2019, they received an award for waste management due to their unique fight against plastic. Through this project, they will continue to revise their strategic plans and renew the composition of the Island Committee, with the possibility of applying for a new award in the field of biodiversity.

SMILO (Sustainable Management of Islands Organization) is an international organization dedicated to promoting sustainable management of islands worldwide. Their focus is on supporting islands in achieving sustainable development through the implementation of best practices in environmental management, economic development, and social issues. SMILO brings together various stakeholders, including government agencies, non-governmental organizations, research institutions, and local communities, to work together in addressing the challenges faced by islands around the world.

Project Summary

Although islands make up only 5% of the Earth’s surface, 20% of land species live on them, and 600 million people depend on their ecosystem services for their sustainable development. However, islands are particularly vulnerable to global changes and economic shocks. Their biodiversity is threatened by pollution, invasive species, climate change, habitat destruction, and overexploitation of resources. These unique characteristics increase the importance of building connections and dialogue among stakeholders at the local level and between European islands to develop sustainable approaches that protect the environment, strengthen resilience, and promote the well-being of island populations. European islands can play a leading role and be laboratories for a successful transition to achieve the EU’s carbon neutrality goal by 2050. Ensuring the good ecological status of islands and implementing tailored solutions to enhance their resilience, even more than for other territories, requires participatory management that needs to be maintained long-term to achieve a shared vision. Moreover, there are innovative, efficient, and easily reproducible solutions at the local level. These practices deserve to be shared with other European islands and beyond.

The general goal of the project is to meet the needs for exchanging and strengthening the technical knowledge of managers of small European islands regarding sustainable territorial planning and climate change adaptation. This project brings together partners with similar challenges, different expertise, and complementary cultures:

  • Opatija Lérins, Saint-Honorat Island (France)
  • JU Fortress of Culture Šibenik, Coral Center – Zlarin Island
  • Mausund Grendelag, Mausund Archipelago (Norway)
  • Chimica Verde Bionet, Capraia Island (Italy)
  • Regional Natural Park of Morbihan Gulf, Ilur Island (France)

Partners will assist each other and discuss progress through bilateral exchanges and technical workshops in France and Italy. They will also participate in a brainstorming session organized by SMILO, aiming to define tools for better monitoring and evaluating the ecological and social impact of actions from strategic plans.

Project Name: Sustainable Islands – Small European islands mobilized for sustainability development of their territory

Project Leader: SMILO

Program: Erasmus+ Sustainable Islands – Small European islands mobilized for sustainable development of their territory

Project Value: 60,000 euros

Start Date: January 15, 2024

End Date: January 14, 2026

Duration: 24 months

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