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Progress is being made on the stone houses of the Croatian Coral Center Zlarin

  16. December 2022.

Zlarin Island, also known as the “Island of Coral,” will soon add another attraction to its numerous island attractions. The island is getting the “Croatian Coral Center Zlarin,” an integrated project with the main goal of promoting and valorizing natural heritage, as well as strengthening the educational capacities of the local population and visitors regarding the importance of nature conservation. The project includes the renovation and refurbishment of the Šare and Kažerma houses on Zlarin Island, as well as the reconstruction of the road that leads from the coast to the two houses, connecting them together. The project is valued at over 24.1 million Croatian kuna, with 13.3 million kuna funded by the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds, while the remaining amount is covered by the European Union within the framework of the competition “Promoting Sustainable Development of Natural Heritage,” applied for by the City of Šibenik, as reported by Jutarnji.hr.

The project works are practically completed, having undergone a technical inspection, and the occupancy permit has been obtained. The Kažerma house will function as an exhibition space with a permanent display that includes showcasing the ecosystems and protected species of the Šibenik archipelago, the tradition of coral cultivation on the “Golden Island,” and a library with scientific papers and poetry by Vesna Parun. The Šare house has been transformed into an educational research center with an amphitheater and accommodation units for researchers and scientists.

“We have one more activity left to complete, and that is the museum exhibition, or the presentation of coral protection. Procurement was delayed due to the public procurement process involving a foreign entity, which led to inconsistencies between our legislation and the Belgian legislation regarding tax debts. Therefore, we had to wait for a solution for seven months. As for the planned opening, I believe we will hold it in spring, at the beginning of the tourist pre-season. The agreement is for the Fortress of Culture to take over the Center. They are already involved in the activities, and I think it is the best solution. Despite various speculations, it is not a museum but a center for the protection of natural heritage, which, in addition to presenting the protection of coral natural heritage, offers other features such as boat management for transporting visitors to coral locations, mountain biking, accommodation capacity for students and professors studying corals, and another multifunctional space for the local population to hold various exhibitions, lectures, and workshops. There is also a beautiful outdoor Mediterranean area in the Šare house where events can be organized,” said Petar Mišura, Head of the Department of Economy, Entrepreneurship, and Development of the City of Šibenik.

You can read the full article here.

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